Sunday, April 22, 2012

THE GODFATHER SUCKS. IT IS A TERRIBLE MOVIE. God, I don't even know why anybody thinks this crap is any good. Stupid old people might like it... but that's it. People need to stop setting movies in the past, so all of them can just go to their stupid retirement homes and die like they're supposed to.

God, what is up with all this honor crap? There is no honor... only darkness and death. Anybody who says otherwise is retarded.
I don't know why everybody rails on The Room so bad... it didn't suck THAT much. The main character was an idiot and he got what he deserved for being optimistic. He needed to wake up, and he did. If I would've been in that movie, I would've handed him an AFI album and a razor blade.

Not a bad movie...
Normally I don't do this, but my friend Lars convinced me to watch the pilot of Breaking Bad. It was just about as bad as everything else is. Despite the fact that it was about someone dying of cancer (which had me interested at first), he didn't even really come close to dying... he just sort of stood around in his freaking underpants. Dude, nobody wants to see that.

If you ask me, he should've just died at the end. That would've been great. No real series, just show America what happens to everybody in the end. Life is death, America? Why can't you see that?
Inception. Hated it. Loud, obnoxious and overrated. Just listen to this annoying song. It sounds like an elephant farting.

Plus the movie made no sense. Why would anyone want to get back to their kids? Why would anyone have kids to begin with? Kids suck. Plus, the whole movie was some sort of dream, so who cares? I had to go home and cut myself just to get back to my normal state.
Let's talk about how much I hate The Shawshank Redemption. First and most importantly: Prison isn't supposed to be happy. It's dark and terrifying and people get raped there. Oh sure, Tim Robbins got it a few times in the beginning, but after that, what? Nothing.

The ending was just too damn happy to be believable. Who wants to see someone ESCAPE from prison? Nobody, that's who. Morgan Freeman just should've killed Tim Robbins with a sharpened toothpick and saved everybody two hours of boring and stupid.
Saw the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The American version (Who cares about the Swedish version?). It was about as dark and disturbing as movies come. I found it breathtaking, really. That Hollywood would finally accept that life is meaningless, harm is inevitable, and that darkness is everywhere.

My only gripe is that they had to set it in Sweden. Just...why? They don't even have My Chemical Romance in Sweden. Why would anyone live there? It's cold and the language and people sucks. Plus, the fact that anywhere but the US could be dark and disturbing is really unbelievable.
Saw another shitty movie this weekend: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy. Who even cares the 70s any more? Why would anybody voluntarily set a movie in the 70s?

It would've been better if they set it at the end of the Vietnam War. THAT would've been funny. Seeing Will Ferrell burn down a village with a bunch of people in it while Dashboard Confessional plays in the background (who cares if they weren't around yet? All the music sucked in the 70s anyways). I would've cut SO hard to that.
What's the deal with the new Muppets movie, The Muppets? When I saw it, I had a few serious questions. Did nobody realize that they were just puppets the whole time? And what about that one human dude whose brother was a puppet? HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN!?

There were a few points in there where it looked like the movie was going to accept its own inevitable failure at the hands of impending doom and despair. Like when this song played. I would've been much happier if the movie ended there and everybody died in a fire or something. Either way, this piece of crap still left me depressed and empty. Happy endings don't exist in real life. There is only pain and suffering. And sometimes My Chemical Romance...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now that I'm thinking of it, you know what other movie sucks? Fight Club. Just a bunch of whiny old men who are afraid to accept that life means pain and emptiness. So what if the main character couldn't sleep? Nobody gives a shit.

That dude with the bitch tits had it right though. I bet he LET himself get shot because he realized the inevitability of death. He got it over with quick. Meat Loaf is still a tool, though.
Saw Titanic again last night. Not in retarded 3D, mind you. Still hated it. Celine Dion represents everything wrong with the world today.

In a way, the movie sort of represented my own outlook on life: it's futile to try to survive when we'll all just plunge down into the empty depths eventually. Some of us sooner than others. HAPPINESS IS FUTILE. DESPAIR IS INEVITABLE. I'm glad the damn ship sank; too bad it was only a movie, though.